10000 N. Central Expy, Suite 457
Dallas, TX 75231
(214) 523-9627
Deede Fletcher
Deede has 40 years of pastoral ministry experience with her husband, Walter. Deede has worked for the past five years as a pastoral counselor with Drennan & Associates Christian Counseling. Prior to coming on staff with Drennan, for six years she served as a pastoral counselor with Interfaith Housing Coalition, a transitional housing program in the greater Dallas area.
Deede is a strong and compassionate counselor with the ability to comfort, encourage, motivate and educate her clients. Due to her cross-cultural and international ministry experience, she brings a rich understanding of multi-cultural dynamics.
Walter Fletcher
Walter Fletcher holds a Masters & Doctorate in Theology. He has over forty years of ministry experience; having served in parts of the United States and other Nations. He currently lives in the Dallas, TX. He has served as Pastor, Teacher and Counselor. He is recognized for his wisdom, counsel and gift of mentorship and spiritual direction for both men and women. He is also recognized as a great encourager, "a leader and friend to leaders".
Charma Jackson
Administrative Assistant
Charma’ serves as Fletchers Counseling Administrative Assistant.
She has 10 plus years of experience and skills within the business administration arena.
Charma’ helps manage our client schedules, accounting and other admin duties. She will also oversee our blog site as well as manage our social media presence by keeping us connected with those who are in need of the many resources our services provide.
With a wealth of knowledge and integrity we are glad to have her as a vital member of Fletchers Counseling.