10000 N. Central Expy, Suite 457
Dallas, TX 75231
(214) 523-9627
Walter Fletcher
Walter Fletcher holds a Master & Doctorate in Theology. He has over forty years of ministry experience; having served in parts of the United States and other Nations. He currently lives in the Dallas, TX. He has served as Pastor, Teacher and Counselor. He is recognized for his wisdom, counsel and gift of mentorship and spiritual direction for both men and women. He is also recognized as a great encourager, "a leader and friend to leaders".
Walter and his wife, Deede, are sought after speakers, bringing messages that offer hope and healing to Servant-leaders, their staff and communities. Walter enjoys sharing his insights, wisdom and counsel both in religious and marketplace settings where people are engaging to make a positive cultural difference.
In addition, Walter is an author (RECOVERING THE SOUL) and a Contributing Author (REVIVAL STUDY BIBLE). He is also an Artist and Sculptor.